I'm new to mathematica, so I still cannot use it properly. I want to do symbolic programming.
My question is : is there any way to define our own multiplication. Suppose a,b are arbitrary variables, I want to define ba=qab as the rule, with q is some constant. Then if a compute baab, then I want the result become baab=qabab=q2aabb=q2a2b2 (I swap the position of the first b from left to a two times).
As suggested in comment by J.M., NonCommutativeMultiply
might be useful here. Using //.
and two replacement rules you can get desired results.
$ncmRules = {
(* Change b ** a to q a ** b. *)
x___ ** b^n_. ** a^m_. ** y___ :> q^(n m) x ** a^m ** b^n ** y,
(* Replace adjacent powers of same multiplicands by single power. *)
x___ ** y_^n_. ** y_^m_. ** z___ :> x ** y^(n + m) ** z
a ** b //. $ncmRules
(* a ** b *)
b ** a //. $ncmRules
(* q a ** b *)
b ** a ** a ** b //. $ncmRules
(* q^2 a^2 ** b^2 *)
b ** a ** b ** a ** a //. $ncmRules
(* q^5 a^3 ** b^2 *)
b ** a ** b ** b ** a //. $ncmRules
(* q^4 a^2 ** b^3 *)
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