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symbolic - Telling mathematica to output * instead of space for multiplication, so I can copy as plain text

I am trying to get some symbolic expressions in Mathematica which I would like to paste into my C/MATLAB codes. This can be accomplished nicely by selecting the expression and right-clicking to select Copy as plain-text.

However there is one small issue I have.

Consider the simplest possible case for 2 symbols a and b

In[1]:= c = a*b

Out[1]= a b

How can I tell Mathematica to produce all its output as a*b and not a b Without this, I have to go through the pain of replacing manually all spaces in my C/MATLAB codes with the * espcecially for long expressions.


The * multiplication operator is rendered in InputForm:

c = a b;

c // InputForm


For producing/exporting strings:

ExportString[c, "Text"]

ToString[c, InputForm]


