Question related to this one, except I need the same for the Graphics.
Lets say I have the following drawings:
Line[{ Q, P, V }] ,
Arrow[{P, P + v }] ,
Arrow[{P, P + vx }] ,
Arrow[{P, P + vy}] ,
Line[{Q + (dir1*d1), P + v, V + (dir2*d2)}]
FontSize -> 16, Background -> RGBColor[1, 1, 1, 1],
Text["Q", Q],
Text["P", P],
Text["V", V],
}, Axes -> True]
But on my drawing sysytem (this drawing should illustrate part of it work), the screen coordinates goes from top to bottom (in reverse order). So I want to reverse it somehow.
Rasher's code will be usefull here but we also have to Scale
all the obcjets which is easy but no so simple as -
in case of Plot
Scale[#, {1, -1}, {0, 0}] &@{Circle[{2, 2}], Arrow[{{3, 2}, {5, 3}}]}
Axes -> True, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, BaseStyle -> {15, Bold},
AxesStyle -> {Arrowheads@.05, Arrowheads[{-.05, 0}]},
Ticks -> {Automatic,
With[{set = N@FindDivisions[{##}, 25]},
Table[If[ Mod[i, 5] == 2,
{set[[i]], -set[[i]], {.02, 0}},
{set[[i]], "", {.01, 0}}], {i, Length@set}]] &}]
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