I wanted to plot this function
f(x)={1if x=01qif x=pq0if x∈R−Q
so I wrote
FuncThomae[x_] := If[ExactNumberQ[Rationalize[x]], If[x == 0, a = 1,
L = #^-1 & /@ Divisors[Numerator[Rationalize[x]]]], a = 0]
ListDomain[xmin_, xmax_] := Table[Outer[List, {x}, FuncThomae[x]],
{x,xmin,xmax,0.001}] // Flatten[#, 1] &
My result doesn't take all the real numbers (nor negatives) in its domain, and for −1 to 1, it should have looked like so:
but my function does not cater to negatives, nor does it look like the above plot. It looks like this from 2 to 5:
Nearly similar, but not quite. Can someone help me to perfect the function?
I'd suggest producing a list of rational numbers and then plot the function there, like so:
maxq = 100;
fracs = Table[p/q, {q, 2, maxq}, {p, 2, q}] // Flatten // DeleteDuplicates;
pq = {#, 1/Denominator @ #} & /@ fracs;
ListPlot[pq, PlotRange -> {0, 1}]
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