list manipulation - Approximating the density of Scap[a,b] using a Folner Sequence of A, where SsubseteqA?
Edit: I redid my code but it's still not working.
How do we use Mathematica to approximate
where D is the density of S∩[a,b] (in A∩[a,b]), [a,b] is an interval for a,b∈R, Fn is the Folner Sequence of A, and S⊆A. For more information, click here (replace G,X,i,g with A,S,n,a) and here.
A is countable and dense in R and can be written as the operations of finite or infinite one-variable functions that, when defined on countable domains dense in R, intersect with the integers.
There are many Folner Sequence of A. In general, the most natural, "intuitive" sequence is calculated by restricting the whole set, and the variables of each function in the set, by n.
S can be written similarly to A except it must be a subset.
I attempted to approximate D(S∩[0,1]) when S={m2n2:m,n∈Z,n≠0}, A=Q, Fn={p2k(2q+1):p,k,q∈Z,2k≤n,|2q+1|≤n,|p2k(2q+1)|≤n}.
(In my code I replaced A with A[x_,y_,z_,...]
and Fn with F[x_,y_,z_,...]
, S with S[x_,y_,z_,...]
, and D with d
. I also set a=0 and b=1.)
I tried to list all elements of Fn∩[0,1] depending on n and determine which elements in S∩[0,1] exist in Fn∩[0,1]. Then I counted all elements where this holds and divided it by the total elements in Fn∩[0,1].
A[p_, k_, q_] := p/((2^k)*(2*q + 1))
F[p_, n_] :=
Table[A[p, k, q], {k, 0, Floor[Log[2, n]]}, {q, 0, Floor[(n - 1)/2]}]
f[n_, a_, b_] :=
p /. Table[
Solve[a <= A[p, k, q] <= b, p, Integers], {k, 0,
Floor[Log[2, n]]}, {q, 0, Floor[(n - 1)/2]}]
Ff[n_, a_, b_] :=
F[f[n, a, b][[v]][[u]], n][[v]][[u]], {v, 1,
Floor[Log[2, n]] + 1}, {u, 1, Floor[(n - 1)/2] + 1}]]]
S[j_, k_] := j^2/k^2
X[a_, b_, n_] :=
Count[Boole[Resolve[Exists[{j, k}, S[j, k] == Ff[n, a, b]]]], 1]
Y[a_, b_, n_] := Count[Ff[n, a, b]]
d[n_, a_, b_] := N[(Y[a, b, S] - X[a, b, S])/Y[a, b, S]]
Ff[4, 1, 2]
X[1, 2, 4]
Y[1, 2, 4]
d[1, 2, 4]
Instead, I get
During evaluation of In[629]:= Table::iterb: Iterator {v,1,1+Floor[Log[S]/Log[2]]} does not have appropriate bounds.
During evaluation of In[629]:= Table::iterb: Iterator {v,1,1+Floor[Log[S]/Log[2]]} does not have appropriate bounds.
During evaluation of In[629]:= Table::iterb: Iterator {v,1,1+Floor[Log[S]/Log[2]]} does not have appropriate bounds.
During evaluation of In[629]:= General::stop: Further output of Table::iterb will be suppressed during this calculation.
During evaluation of In[629]:= Exists::msgs: Evaluation of S[j,k]==Ff[S,2,4] generated message(s) {General::stop,Table::iterb}.
During evaluation of In[629]:= Exists::msgs: Evaluation of j^2/k^2==Table[F[f[<<3>>][[v]][[u]],S][[v]][[u]],{v,1,1+Floor[Log[S]/Log[<<1>>]]},{u,1,Floor[(S-1)/2]+1}] generated message(s) {Table::iterb}.
During evaluation of In[629]:= Exists::msgs: Evaluation of j^2/k^2==Table[F[f[<<3>>][[v]][[u]],S][[v]][[u]],{v,1,1+Floor[Log[S]/Log[<<1>>]]},{u,1,Floor[(S-1)/2]+1}] generated message(s) {Table::iterb}.
During evaluation of In[629]:= General::stop: Further output of Exists::msgs will be suppressed during this calculation.
Out[642]= 1.
Is there a better and faster method to solving my example? How do we generalize this for any S∩[a,b] and A∩[a,b]?
This works and provides expected resulst as far as I'm aware:
Clear[A, F, f, p, Ff, S, X, Y, d, j, k];
A[p_, k_, q_] := p/((2^k)*(2*q + 1));
F[p_, n_] :=
Table[A[p, k, q], {k, 0, Floor[Log[2, n]]}, {q, 0,
Floor[(n - 1)/2]}];
f[n_, a_, b_] :=
p /. Table[
Solve[a <= A[p, k, q] <= b, p, Integers], {k, 0,
Floor[Log[2, n]]}, {q, 0, Floor[(n - 1)/2]}];
Ff[n_, a_, b_] := DeleteDuplicates@Flatten@Table[
F[f[n, a, b][[v]][[u]], n][[v]][[u]]
, {v, 1, Floor[Log[2, n]] + 1}
, {u, 1, Floor[(n - 1)/2] + 1}
S[j_, k_] := j^2/k^2;
X[n_, a_, b_] :=
Exists[{j, k}, S[j, k] == # && {j, k} ∈ Integers]] & /@
Ff[n, a, b], True];
Y[n_, a_, b_] := Length[Ff[n, a, b]];
d[n_, a_, b_] := N[(Y[n, a, b] - X[n, a, b])/Y[n, a, b]];
Ff[4, 1, 2]
X[4, 1, 2]
Y[4, 1, 2]
d[4, 1, 2]
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