What is the most painless way to sum over n variables, for example, if the range of summation is i1<i2<i3<⋯<in, where n is an argument of the function in question?
Is there a package for this and more complex summation ranges?
I am not happy with programming loops all the time for this common summation range and if one has a large summation range, one cannot just use a combinat command to generate all subsets of a certain size, if this takes too much memory.
You can write a few helper functions to help you. The following can probably be streamlined...
vars[s_String, n_Integer?Positive] := Table[Symbol[s <> ToString[i]], {i, 1, n}]
vars[sym_Symbol, num_] := vars[SymbolName[sym], num]
nestedRange[vars_List, min_, max_] /; min <= max :=
Transpose@{vars, ConstantArray[min, Length[vars]], Append[Rest@vars, max]}
nestedSum[f_, vars:{__Symbol}, min_, max_] /; min <= max :=
With[{r = Sequence @@ Reverse@nestedRange[vars, min, max]}, Sum[f, r]]
nestedSum[f_, {var:(_String|_Symbol), num_Integer?Positive},
min_, max_] /; min <= max := nestedSum[f, vars[var, num], min, max]
Then, for example
nestedSum[f[a, b, c], {a, b, c}, 0, Infinity] // TraditionalForm
A larger sum is
In[]:= nestedSum[Total@vars[i, 4], {i, 4}, 1, 20] // Timing
Out[]= {0.016001, 371910}
which can be compared with evaluating the same thing using Boole
In[]:= v = vars[i, 4];
With[{r = Sequence@@Table[{n, 1, 20}, {n, v}]},
Sum[Boole[LessEqual@@v] Total@v, r]] // Timing
Out[]= {0.056003, 371910}
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