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functional style - Pseudo-currying in one line

Often when I'm writing OOP code using an object-manager association I find myself doing something akin to currying the arguments to some form of delegate object or head. (Building a one-argument chained call as opposed to returning functions of one argument).

Usually I do this via a Block construct but it is the sort of simple functional programming thing that Mathematica really ought to have a built-in for.

What I mean is I have something like:

c[a1, a2, a3, ..., an]

And I would like a function PseudoCurry that upon application to the previous expression would give me:


To my deep surprise I have been unable to find such a function.

Does anyone know how I can write a one-line, functional way to do this?

I'm sure the answer is dead simple but I'm blanking on it right now.


Thanks to both Bob Hanlon and Mr. Wizard for the answers.

I think this from Bob:

Pseudocurry[h_[a__]] := Fold[#1[#2] &, {h, a}];

is the cleanest way to do this without using deprecated functions but Mr. Wizard's

Pseudocurry[h_[a__]] := HeadCompose[h, a];

is the clear winner for simplicity, although HeadCompose is deprecated.


EDIT: Modified to cover situation when an argument is a List

Use Fold

expr = c[a1, a2, a3, a4, a5];

Fold[#1[#2] &, {c, List @@ expr} // Flatten[#, 1]&]

(* c[a1][a2][a3][a4][a5] *)

expr2 = c[a1, a2, {a31, a32, a33}, a4, a5];

Fold[#1[#2] &, {c, List @@ expr2} // Flatten[#, 1] &]

(* c[a1][a2][{a31, a32, a33}][a4][a5] *)
