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geometry - TriangleMeasurement causing problem when used in Manipulate

On my Windows 10 machine, Manipulate with TriangleMeasurement locks up once I start changing the sliders. Even with SynchronousUpdating -> False and ContinuousAction -> False it still locks up. Code below draws a triangle and then uses TriangleMeasurement to compute the area. It locks up after several movements of sliders. I wonder if someone could confirm this is reproducible or perhaps I'm not setting up Manipulate correctly.

a = {1, 4};
b = {1, s2};
c = {u2, v2};
o = {0, 0};
myTriangle = {EdgeForm[Black], FaceForm[], Triangle@{a, b, c}};
cobArea = TriangleMeasurement[{a, o, c}, "Area"];

Graphics @
{myTriangle, Line @ {o, c}, Line @ {o, b}, Line @ {o, a}},
Axes -> True, PlotRange -> 5],
{{v2, -1}, -0.1, -5},
{{s2, -1}, -0.1, -5},
{{u2, -1}, -0.3, -5},
TrackedSymbols :> True,
SynchronousUpdating -> False,
ContinuousAction -> False]
