I have a system with 3 degrees of freedom that I want to know if it is possible to visualise with Mathematica
in the two-dimensional X−Y plane. I have a plane circular object rotating at its set speed say 10 deg/s. This object is not rotating at the (0,0) origin point but is displaced from the origin (0,0) coordinates and its motion path is described by
x=x0+a×cos(ωt) and y=a×sin(ωt)
Some values: x0=1 mm; a=0.25 mm, ω=10 deg/s (same as the rotating speed of the circular object). The radius of the circular object can be taken to be a couple of cm say 2 cm.
The time parameter t in the parametric equations can be discretised in 20 steps as follows:
step=360degω×20=36010×20=1.8 s
so that step will take values 0, 1.8, 3.6, …, 34.2 s.
Thus the product ωt as the cosine and sine arguments of the parametric path can be written as
which in units gives degseconds×seconds×radiansdeg=radians.
Any help will be appreciated to this Mathematica
newbie on how to go about to simulate this kind of motion. Desired animation fatures:
Perhaps the circular object can have hatched shading so that its rotating motion can be seen on top of its following the parametric circular path;
The x− and y−axes should be visible;
The parametric path given by the parametric equations in x and y should be visible as a circle.
Lets start with some parameters (note that I've chosen larger values for a
and x0
here to actually see the movement of the centre)
radius = 20;
x0 = 10;
a = 5;
om1 = 10 Degree;
om2 = 10 Degree;
The centre of the rotating object at time t
is given by
centre[t_] := {x0 + a Cos[om1 t], a Sin[om1 t]};
I'm using RegionPlot
to create an image of the disk centred at the origin
circ = RegionPlot[x^2 + y^2 <= radius^2, {x, -radius, radius},
{y, -radius, radius},
Mesh -> 20, MeshStyle -> {{Red}, {Blue}}, BoundaryStyle -> Black,
PlotStyle -> None]
Next, we're defining a function for creating the plot at time t
. I'm using Rotate
and Translate
to get the orientation and position of the disk. The path of the centre is plotted using ParametricPlot
plot[t_] := Show[Graphics[
Translate[Rotate[{circ[[1]], Point[{0, 0}]}, om2 t], centre[t]]],
If[Abs[t] <= $MachineEpsilon, {},
ParametricPlot[centre[s], {s, 0, t}, PlotStyle -> {Black}]],
PlotRange -> {{-2 radius, 2 radius}, {-2 radius, 2 radius}},
Axes -> True]
Plugging this function into Animate
will create an animation of this function:
Animate[plot[t], {t, 0, 36}]
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