Consider the following dataset:
data = Flatten[
Table[{x 10^-9, y 10^-9, x^2 + y^2},{x, -100, 100, 10}, {y, -100,100, 10}]
, 1];
If I try to ListDensityPlot
this set:
it does not plot the function. However, if I do the obvious re-scale of the coordinates:
data2 = Flatten[Table[{x , y , x^2 + y^2}, {x, -100, 100, 10}, {y, -100, 100, 10}], 1];
it has no problem plotting it:
The same problem exists for other plotting methods (ListPlot3D
, ListContourPlot
, etc.). While rescaling the coordinates is a simple fix, is it possible to plot datasets of this sort without first rescaling the coordinates?
The reason why ListDensityPlot
doesn't plot it is because the meshes aren't being generated correctly:
ListDensityPlot[data #, Mesh -> All, ImageSize -> 300] & /@ {1, 100, 10^3, 10^4}
Now I don't know exactly how to fix this, but my guess is that the mesh function relies on the Delaunay triangulation of the set of points and somewhere in there, something is either dangerously close to machine precision or getting Chop
ped. Since the default tolerance for chopping is 10−10, it is plausible that this is what is happening.
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