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linear algebra - Find NullSpace of a very sparse symbolic matrix

Below is a matrix diagram, produced in Mathematica. In this case it's a $956\times 950$ rectangular matrix. The white parts are all zero.

sa = Import["", "Package"];


I'm wondering if there is a way to efficiently compute the null space of this matrix. From a different calculation entirely (using a Molien series), I know in advance there should be 6 linearly independent vectors in this null space, and I already know one of them.

The NullSpace routine takes too long to be feasible. I am hoping that there is a better way. I know that using NullSpace[N[m]] will return the answer rather quickly, but I am hoping to be able to do this symbolically.

Any help would be appreciated.


Added SparseArray data for this matrix. It was too large for this message so I put it on pastebin.


Turns out this can be done with exact methods and a good option setting. And a dose of patience. I won't copy the matrix itself. In my session I named it mat as below.

nullspace = NullSpace[mat, Method -> "OneStepRowReduction"];]

(* Out[18]= {1839.141297, Null} *)

Check size and correctness:


(* Out[19]= 6 *)


(* Out[20]= 50803 *)


(* Out[21]= 1.00182351685*10^-10 *)

I also have tried the method here but with no luck thus far. Oh well (I blame the author...)
