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front end - Keyboard shortcut to evaluate notebook

(If this is entirely trivial, although I couldn't find an answer as much as I searched the archives, I will delete the question.)

How could I add a keyboard shortcut to evaluate the entire notebook instead of going to Evaluation -> Evaluate Notebook again and again ?


Personally I would use what bill_s suggested, Ctrl+A followed by Shift+Enter.

But if you want to have one shortcut you can use what Timothy linked. Just add this line to the file:

 Item[KeyEvent["h", Modifiers -> {Control}], 
FrontEndExecute[FrontEndToken[SelectedNotebook[ ], "EvaluateNotebook"]]]

it works for me.

Your infinite loop probably showed while testing on the notebook. Well, if you want to evaluate notebook and the last line is


then it will definitelly result in such loop.
