I would like to find the solution (U,V)≡(U(x,t),V(x,t)) of the following system.
with the boundary conditions (where W could be U and V)
{W(x,t)=0 as x→−∞,W(x,t)→ex as x→∞,W(x,T)=max
Assuming that above system has a unique solution, (U,V), how can I find that solution. I would be satisfied to given a reference to a paper from which I can learn a method to solve it.
Can Mathematica solve this system?
Added after I got the answer from the above system: when I modified the codes of bbgodfrey to solve the followin system :
\begin{equation} \displaystyle\left\{\begin{array}{l} \frac{\partial U}{\partial t}+(\textbf{a}_1+b x)\frac{\partial U}{\partial x}-(c+k_1)U+k_1V=0, \\ \frac{\partial V}{\partial t}+(\textbf{a}_2+b x)\frac{\partial V}{\partial x}-(c+k_2)V+k_2 U=0, \\ \end{array}\right. t\in [s,T] \end{equation}
when I run the program, Mathematican seems runs out of memory. Is there any way to fix this issues or this is because Mathematica cannot solve the new system ?
The constant c
can be eliminated from the equations by a standard transformation.
eq1 = (Unevaluated[D[u[x, t], t] + (a + b x) D[u[x, t], x] - (c + k1) u[x, t] + k1 v[x, t]]
/. {u[x, t] -> uu[x, t] E^(c t), v[x, t] -> vv[x, t] E^(c t)})/E^(c t) // Simplify
(* -(k1*uu[x, t]) + k1*vv[x, t] + Derivative[0, 1][uu][x, t] +
a*Derivative[1, 0][uu][x, t] + b*x*Derivative[1, 0][uu][x, t] *)
and similarly for the second expression, designated eq2
. Taking the difference between these two expressions yields
Collect[(eq1 - eq2) // Simplify, {a + b x, k1 + k2}, Simplify]
(* (k1 + k2)*(-uu[x, t] + vv[x, t]) + Derivative[0, 1][uu][x, t] - Derivative[0, 1][vv][x, t]
+ (a + b*x)*(Derivative[1, 0][uu][x, t] - Derivative[1, 0][vv][x, t]) *)
which can be rewritten as
-((k1 + k2)*zz[x, t]) + Derivative[0, 1][zz][x, t] + (a + b*x)*Derivative[1, 0][zz][x, t]
where zz == uu - vv
. And, this equation can be solved
First@DSolve[% == 0, zz[x, t], {x, t}]
(* {zz[x, t] -> (a + b*x)^(k1/b + k2/b) C[1][(b t - Log[a + b x])/b]} *)
Undoing the original transformation then yields
First@Solve[% /. Rule -> Equal /. zz[x, t] -> z[x, t] E^(-c t), z[x, t]]
{* {z[x, t] -> E^(c t) (a + b*x)^(k1/b + k2/b) C[1][(b t - Log[a + b x])/b]} *)
Note that C[1]
is an arbitrary function of (b t - Log[a + b x])/b
, which can be chosen to satisfy the boundary conditions in x
Alternative, Simpler Approach
cannot integrate the two equations as written in the question. However, the equations can be separated, after which DSolve
can integrate them without difficulty.
r0 = First@Solve[{z[x, t] == u[x, t] - v[x, t],
y[x, t] == u[x, t] + v[x, t] k1/k2}, {u[x, t], v[x, t]}];
eq1 = (Unevaluated[D[u[x, t], t] + (a + b x) D[u[x, t], x] - (c + k1) u[x, t] +
k1 v[x, t]] /. %) // Simplify;
eq2 = (Unevaluated[D[v[x, t], t] + (a + b x) D[v[x, t], x] - (c + k2) v[x, t] +
k2 u[x, t]] /. %%) // Simplify;
Simplify[eq1 - eq2];
r1 = Simplify[#] & /@ DSolve[% == 0, z[x, t], {x, t}][[1, 1]]
(* z[x, t] -> (a + b x)^((c + k1 + k2)/b) C[1][t - Log[a + b x]/b] *)
Simplify[eq1 + eq2 k1/k2];
r2 = Simplify[#] & /@ DSolve[% == 0, y[x, t], {x, t}][[1, 1]] /. C[1] -> C[2]
(* y[x, t] -> (a + b x)^(c/b) C[2][t - Log[a + b x]/b] *)
r0 /. {r1, r2}
(* {u[x, t] -> -((-k1 (a + b x)^((c + k1 + k2)/b)
C[1][t - Log[a + b x]/b] - k2 (a + b x)^(c/b) C[2][t - Log[a + b x]/b])/(k1 + k2)),
v[x, t] -> -((k2 (a + b x)^((c + k1 + k2)/b)
C[1][t - Log[a + b x]/b] - k2 (a + b x)^(c/b) C[2][t - Log[a + b x]/b])/(k1 + k2))} *)
Note that the solution contains two arbitrary functions C[1]
and C[2]
of (b t - Log[a + b x])/b
, as it must, because the original equations form a second order system of advective equations.
Note also that the earlier, incomplete solution would eventually have reached the same point.
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