I would like to solve dx/dt=√1+(Ix)3, where x is complex, for some initial condition like 1−5I and plot the imaginary part of the solution versus the real part. (A somewhat similar problem was posted earlier in different topic)
I have used this code:
s = NDSolve[{x'[t] == (1 +(I x[t])^3)^0.5, x[0] == 1 -5 I}, x[t], {t, 0, 10}];
ParametricPlot[Evaluate[{Re[x[t]], Im[x[t]]} /. s1], {t,0,10}]
and I have tried it for different initial points, the results are not satisfactory. I expect to obtain closed contours for every initial condition in the lower half plane of complex plane, excatly like this:
(As a side and not very important remark x plus, minus and zero are where the square root vanishes)
I appreciate if one could help me to fix it!
Can this problem be due to branch points?
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