I have a simple interactive plot in Mathematica, with controls for various parameters. The point of the plot is simply that users can explore how the plot changes as the parameters change by manipulating controls. IOW, this is Dynamic
-101 stuff (which is my level at the moment).
I would like to convert this to (non-proprietary) HTML + SVG (+ CSS, JavaScript, etc., as needed).
Is there a straightforward path for doing this? I know that one can export Mathematica graphics to SVG, but I'm not sure how one would export the dynamic behavior described above.
(BTW, I've looked for ways to do this starting from JavaScript to begin with, but I have found that JavaScript support for plotting is rather primitive. JavaScript graphics seem to be mostly about Illustrator-type stuff, and more recently, "data visualization". In comparison, there's almost nothing in the JavaScript graphics universe for plotting functions, the way Plot
et al. do.)
Animations as interactive visualizations
The simplest form of interactive graphics is an animation in which the play head can be moved by the user. That doesn't sound very interactive, but in terms of functionality the play head is nothing but a type of Slider
With this simple interpretation of interactivity, any movie format supported by Export
would be a way to create a standalone "interactive" visualization.
The starting point for this approach would be to generate a list of graphics that will form the frames of the animation:
frames = Table[
Plot[Sin[φ x]/(φ x), {x, -1, 1}, Background -> White, Frame -> True,
PlotRange -> {{-1, 1}, {-.5, 1}}], {φ, Pi,10 Pi, Pi/2}];
I've added a Background
to the plot because it will be needed to make the SVG
version of the movie come out properly below.
Frame based animations with SVG
But the other part of your question is specifically asking about SVG
and HTML
format. In SVG
, you can create animations by moving elements around using JavaScript
. But that's not something you can easily automate in exporting a Mathematica dynamic object - it would require case-by-case fine tuning.
So instead, I pursued a totally different way to combine the first point (the movie paradigm) with SVG
: export an animation in which each frame is a static SVG
vector graphic. Then the interactive element is again realized by the mere presence of the play head as a slider.
To make this a little more interesting than a typical movie player, I also added the ability to export a sequence of N
graphics but create a larger number M > N
of frames from them in the animation. This is achieved by allowing an indexed list to specify the movie frames, so the M
frames can walk through the N
graphics in any order with arbitrary repetitions during playback.
The Javascript movie player
The whole thing is based on a JavaScript
movie player I had written earlier, so you also get the ability to encode your frames as standard PNG
bitmaps instead of SVG
The special thing about the player is that it's a single standalone HTML
file. All movie frames are embedded in the HTML
using base64
encoding, so the animation remains just as portable as a normal movie, GIF
But the SVG
playback ability is what makes this most relevant to your question. Since SVG
takes more resources to store and interpret during the display, one can notice that the player is somewhat slower to start up when you choose SVG
format instead of the default PNG
However, the nice thing is that SVG
animations can be enlarged without loss of quality, even while the movie is running.
I'm putting this out there for experimentation, and SVG
may not turn out to be the best choice for your application. But then you can still go with PNG
and get a smooth frame animation with full slider control.
The JavaScript
player has some additional features in addition to a draggable play head. Since it's frame-based, you can interactively change the frame delay, press a
to display all frames side-by-side, and change the looping behavior.
htmlTemplate =
Import["http://pages.uoregon.edu/noeckel/jensPlayer/jensPlayerTemplate.js", "Text"];
jensPlayer[name_?StringQ, a_?ListQ, opts : OptionsPattern[]] := Module[
{delay = 50, dataType = "img", htmlString, htmlBody,
scaledFrames, n, i, movieFrames, dimensions, frameStartTag,
frameEndTag, exportFormat, imgSizeRule,
loopOptions = {"Loop" -> "rightLoopButton",
"None" -> "noLoopButton", "Palindrome" -> "palindromeButton"},
toolHeight = 25},
n = Range[Length[a]];
imgSizeRule = FilterRules[{opts}, ImageSize];
If[imgSizeRule == {}, imgSizeRule = (ImageSize -> Automatic)];
scaledFrames = Map[Show[#, imgSizeRule] &, a];
dimensions = ImageDimensions[Rasterize[scaledFrames[[1]]]];
With[{del = ("Delay" /. {opts})}, If[NumericQ[del], delay = del]];
With[{ind = ("Indices" /. {opts})},
If[ListQ[ind], i = ind - 1, i = n - 1]];
Which[("SVG" /. {opts}) === True,
dataType = "object", ("SVGZ" /. {opts}) === True,
dataType = "embed"];
If[dataType == "embed",
frameStartTag = "
Export[name, htmlBody, "TEXT"];
With this function you can now export the frames created earlier:
jensPlayer["sombrero.html", frames]
jensPlayer["sombreroIndexed.html", frames, "Delay" -> 60,
"AutoPlay" -> True, "Looping" -> "Palindrome", "Parallel" -> True,
"Indices" -> {19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 15, 17, 18, 19, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15,
14, 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7,
9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19}]
jensPlayer["sombreroSVG.html", frames, "SVG" -> True]
Each of the export commands illustrates a different export format.
By default, the images in list images are displayed sequentially with a constant time delay, in a single playback run. If the option "Indices"
is specified, frames are played back in the order determined by that option, see below.
Options (except for ImageSize, all options are strings requiring quotation marks):
- number of pixels in the horizontal direction. If unspecified, will be determined by size of the graphics in images.
- number of milliseconds between frames (default
- number of milliseconds between frames (default
{i1, i2,... iN}
, a list of (not necessarily different) integers between1
. The number of frames in the movie isN
(n = 1,...N
) is the index in lista
of the image to be displayed as framen
(default)- sets whether the movie should start playing as soon as loaded.
- switches between parallel/sequential image conversion.
speeds up the export if more than one Mathematica Kernel is available.
(default)- switches between
format for the frame export.SVG
format is provided on an experimental basis because browser support is evolving slowly. It is a resolution-independent graphics format that can be resized seamlessly in Firefox.SVG
requires larger startup time, so it should not be used for large movies. WithSVG
you should also specify an explicit background for the frames, e.g. by doingimages=Map[Show[#,Background->White]&,originalImages]
. AlthoughSVG
movies yield much largerHTML
compression can make file sizes comparable to those ofPNG
movies (or even smaller). Since web servers increasingly are configured to transmitHTML
files using on-the-fly compression,SVG
does not necessarily increase download times.
Additional notes
Because the JavaScript
file is too unwieldy for this post, I put it on my web site and use Import
in the jensPlayer
function to load it. I would suggest that you download the file
and copy and paste it as a string into the htmlTemplate =
assignment. Then you can use the function offline.
Also, I had tried SVGZ
instead of SVG
, and the function allows that as an option. However, this compressed SVG
format doesn't play back so well apparently. Maybe the decompression is causing problems - I haven't had time to debug that yet. So I'd recommend you not use SVGZ
at the moment, even though you may have seen it in the code above.
Illustrated example
To show what the movie should look like, here is a sequence of images that represent an electric field distribution for a range of separations d
between two charged objects. The parameter d
is then controlled with the movie slider:
field[a_, d_, x_, y_] =
D[Log[((x - d)^2 + y^2)/((x - a)^2 + y^2)], {{x, y}}];
images = With[{r = 1.}, Table[
StreamPlot[field[1/d, d, x, y], {x, -2, 4}, {y, -3, 3},
FrameLabel -> {"x", "y"}, StreamColorFunctionScaling -> False,
StreamColorFunction -> "Rainbow",
PlotLabel -> Row[{"d = ", PaddedForm[N@d, {4, 2}]}]],
Graphics[{Thickness[.009], White, Circle[{0, 0}, r],
PointSize[.03], Point[{d, 0}]}], Background -> GrayLevel[.2],
LabelStyle -> White,
FrameStyle -> Directive[Lighter@Gray, Thickness[.005]],
ImageMargins -> 5],
{d, 1.5 r, 4 r, r/4}]];
jensPlayer["imageChargesSVG.html", images, "SVG" -> True,
"Parallel" -> False]
The movie is a screen recording of the JavaScript
movie player in Google Chrome. The controls at the bottom fade in and out. The left-most control switches between single run, back-and-forth (palindromic) playback and looping. I show how to stop the movie by pressing the red button, and then drag the slider to get to a particular frame. After restarting and stopping agin, I click on the frame counter to get a dialog that allows interactive adjustment of the frame delay. After changing the delay to 250
milliseconds, the playback is slower.
There are several other keyboard shortcuts that are explained if you click the question mark at the bottom right. In particular, you can use arrow keys to move from frame to frame while the movie is stopped.
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