For speed up this question or this question,I have such need.
Current try:
Suppose I have 3 clusters of points:
list = {{{0, 0}, {.2, 0}}, {{2, 1}, {2, 2}, {2, 2.5}}, {{1.5,
6}, {1.6, 7}, {1.4, 8}, {1.9, 10}}};
plot = ListPlot[list, Axes -> False, Frame -> True, PlotLegends ->Automatic,
FrameTicks -> None]
I want to find the closest pairs of points, each point in a different cluster. My current method:
Method one based on Tuples
tuplesMethod[list_] :=
First[MinimalBy[Tuples[#], EuclideanDistance @@ # &]] & /@
Subsets[list, {2}]
Method two based on Nearest
nearestMethod[list_] :=
Module[{f, var1, var2}, f = Nearest /@ Most[list];
var2 = Drop[list, #] & /@ Range[Length[list] - 1];
var1 = MapThread[Catenate /@ # /@ #2 &, {f, var2}];
Map[First[MinimalBy[#, EuclideanDistance @@ # &]] &,
Flatten[{var1, var2}, List /@ {2, 3, 4, 1, 5}], {2}]]]
minDistPoints = tuplesMethod[list]
Show it:
Show[plot, Epilog -> Line /@ minDistPoints]
But the current method is too slow, if clusters up to 10,the execution time will be cannot stand:
testPoint[n_] := (SeedRandom[2];
FindClusters[RandomReal[10 n, {20 n, 2}], n])
nearestMethod}, testPoint, 2, TimeConstraint -> 50,
"IncludeFits" -> True]
The Nearest
method should do well, but you need to make sure that it is only applied once for each cluster. Here is how I would code it. First a helper function, that finds the nearest members between one cluster and a list of other clusters:
icluster[i_, rest_]:=Module[{r, near,distances, rank,pos},
(* create a single list of other points *)
r = Catenate[rest];
(* apply NearestFunction to the list of other points *)
near = Nearest[i][r][[All, 1]];
(* compute distance squared between the nearest member and the other point *)
distances = Total[(near-r)^2, {2}];
(* rank the distances *)
rank = Ordering @ Ordering @ distances;
(* find the minimum rank for each cluster. Probably could be sped up *)
pos = Flatten @ Position[
Alternatives @@ Min /@ Internal`PartitionRagged[rank, Length/@rest]
(* extract near point and other points for minimum ranks *)
Transpose[{near[[pos]], r[[pos]]}]
We use this helper function to get the members of the clusters closest to each other:
nearestClusterMembers[list_] := Catenate @ Table[
icluster[list[[i]], list[[i+1 ;; -1]]],
{i, Length[list]-1}
For your simple example:
{{{0.2, 0}, {2, 1}}, {{0.2, 0}, {1.5, 6}}, {{2, 2.5}, {1.5, 6}}}
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