It is easy to make 3D Plots with Mathematica, e.g. use:
But I want to have nice plots in my thesis, so I decided to use pgfplots for LATEX together with Mathematica. There you can use a picture (of Mathematica) and draw with LATEX well readable axes etc. around the picture (see e.g. p.44 et seq. here).
But to use both programs together, I need plots which are in a parallel and not perspective projection. As you can see from the pic,
Mathematica gives me a perspective projection. Is there a way to get a parallel projection?
How about using far-away ViewPoint
coordinates? The left one uses the default ViewPoint
, the right one has parallel projection.
Plot3D[Sin[x + y^2], {x, -3, 3}, {y, -2, 2}, ViewPoint -> {1.3, -2.4, 2.0}],
Plot3D[Sin[x + y^2], {x, -3, 3}, {y, -2, 2}, ViewPoint -> {1.3, -2.4, 2.0}*1000]
You can also directly prettify the labels and ticks:
Plot3D[Sin[x + y^2], {x, -3, 3}, {y, -2, 2},
LabelStyle -> Directive[14, Bold, Italic, FontFamily -> "Times"]]
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