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performance tuning - Efficiency problem with least square algorithm (Error in both variables)

I was informing myself about the least square algorithms with errors in x and y. I found this post and the top answer wasn't working for magnitudes around 10^-20. Because I couldn't figure out why, I completed the code from belisarius to also produce errors on slope and intercept. But my code is really, really slow, if I take 10 or more {x, y} pairs with errors it takes way too long. I think it's the Reduce part that slows it down so much, but I don't know how to make it more efficient. Also the function output isn't really elegant yet.

LinFit[xi_List, yi_List, errx_List, erry_List]:=
wi[i_,m_]:=wxi[[i]] wyi[[i]]/(m^2 wyi[[i]]+wxi[[i]]);
wmean[q_List,m_]:=Sum[wi[i,m] q[[i]],{i,n}]/Sum[wi[i,m],{i,n}];
d[m_]:=Sum[wi[i,m]^2 ui[i,m]^2/wxi[[i]],{i,n}];
g[m_]:=-Sum[wi[i,m] ui[i,m] vi[i,m],{i,n}]/d[m];

a[m_]:=2 Sum[wi[i,m]^2 ui[i,m] vi[i,m]/wxi[[i]],{i,n}]/(3 d[m]);
b[m_]:=(Sum[wi[i,m]^2 vi[i,m]^2/wxi[[i]],{i,n}]-Sum[wi[i,m] ui[i,m]^2{i,n}])/(3d[m]);

set={ToRules@Reduce[\[FormalM]^3-3 a[\[FormalM]] \[FormalM] \[FormalM]+
3 b[\[FormalM]] \[FormalM]-g[\[FormalM]]==0&&\[FormalC]==wmean[yi,\[FormalM]]-
\[FormalM]wmean[xi,\[FormalM]]&&\[FormalA]==Sqrt[1/(n-2) Sum[wi[i,\[FormalM]]
( \[FormalM] ui[i,\[FormalM]]-vi[i,\[FormalM]])^2,{i,n}]/
Sum[wi[i,\[FormalM]] ui[i,\[FormalM]]^2,{i,n}]]&&\[FormalB]==Sqrt[(
Sum[wi[i,\[FormalM]] xi[[i]]^2,{i,n}]/Sum[wi[i,\[FormalM]],{i,n}])*

least=Sum[wxi[[i]] (xi[[i]]-(yi[[i]]-\[FormalC])/\[FormalM])^2+wyi[[i]] (yi[[i]]-
(\[FormalM] xi[[i]]+\[FormalC]))^2,{i,Length@xi}]/.set[[Flatten@Position[


"worals" is an acronym for Weighted Orthogonal Regression by Alternating Least Squares.
Arguments: x and y are lists of measured values,
sx and sy are lists of the corresponding standard errors of measurement.
The returned values are {chisquare, {intercept, slope}}.

worals[x_, y_, sx_, sy_] := Block[{a,b,f,z, u = 1/sx, v = 1/sy, w = (sy/sx)^2},
{a,b} = (y*v).PseudoInverse@{v,x*v}; f = #.#&[(a+b*x-y)v];
While[f > (z = (x*w + (y-a)b)/(b^2 + w);
{a,b} = (y*v).PseudoInverse@{v,z*v};
f = #.#&@Join[(z-x)u,(a+b*z-y)v])];

If the true relation is linear, and if the errors are independent normal with zero means and standard deviations as given in sx & sy, (or, more to the point, if the foregoing are not too far from truth) then the returned chisquare will have a Chi-Square distribution with n-2 degrees of freedom, where n = Length@x. The corresponding p-value is GammaRegularized[(n-2)/2, chisquare/2].

EDIT, responding to questions.

The model is {x = z + d, y = a + b*z + e}, where d & e are random errors, and a, b, & z are unknowns for which values are to be found that minimize the weighted sum of squares f = #.# & @ Join[(z-x)/sx,(a+b*z-y)/sy]. We start with z = x, then minimize f alternately with respect to either {a,b} or z with the other held constant, until f no longer changes.

To estimate the error in {a,b}, I usually jackknife the solution:

n = Length@x; {f,ab} = worals[x,y,sx,sy];
{jab,jc} = {ab + (n-1)(ab-Mean@#), (n-1)^2/n Covariance@#}& @

jab is the jackknifed estimate of {a,b}, and jc is the jackknifed estimate of its covariance matrix; Sqrt@Diagonal@jc gives the estimates of the two standard errors.
