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numerics - Given a function $f(t,s)$, compute $max_{t_2in [0,1]}min_{t_1in [0,1]} |f(t_1,s_1)-f(t_2,s_2)|$

Given a continuous and bounded function $f(t,s)$, $t,s\in[0,1]$, I would like to compute $$\max_{t_2\in [0,1]}\min_{t_1\in [0,1]} |f(t_1,s_1)-f(t_2,s_2)|,$$ for each numeric values of $s_1$ and $s_2$. I tried by combining NMaxValue and NMinValue but the time is prohibitively large.

I read on the Internet that this distance is sometimes referred to as Fréchet or Hausdorff distance. Is there a built-in function in Mathematica that solves this max-min problem (something like NMaxMinValue)? Or which would be the correct algorithm to proceed with?
