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syntax - Error when using rule as a list index - { i, x[[i]] } /. i -> 5

I can't seem to use a rule to index a vector.

x = Range[10];
{ i, x[[i]] } /. i -> 5

I get the following error when evaluating the above code, even if the next cell shows the correct result:

Part::pspec: Part specification i is neither an integer nor a list of integers.


Using Trace,

Trace[x = Range[10]; { i, x[[i]] } /. i -> 5]

we will see that the error comes from Mathematica trying to evaluate


As you pointed out, the error message is harmless in this case. If you want Mathematica to substitute first, you can use Hold and ReleaseHold:

x = Range[10];
ReleaseHold[Hold[{i, x[[i]]}] /. i -> 5]

which prevents the evaluation of {i, x[[i]]} until the Hold is released. The output is the same, but now without the error message:

