Given ds = Dataset[{"a b", "c-d"} ] multi-character StringSplit is broken with Dataset (10.1 regression?) ds[All, StringSplit[#, {" ", "-"}] &] though single split charaters works: ds[All, StringSplit[#, " "] &] // Normal {{"a", "b"}, {"c-d"}} As does plain non-Dataset version of multi-char of course (same output as above) ds // Normal // Map[StringSplit[#, {" ", "-"}] &] Answer This issue is due to the same type-inferencing problem described here . Using printSignatures from the referenced answer, we can see that the type inferencer will only accept a single string as the second argument, not a list: printSignatures[StringSplit] (* {Vector[Atom[String], n_]} {Atom[String]} {Atom[String], Atom[String]} {Vector[Atom[String], n_], Atom[String]} *) This list of valid signatures will only accept a single string as the second argument. The referenced an...