I'm trying to compute the integral ∫Sx2+z2dS,
where S is the surface S: x22+y23+z22=1,y≥0.
One possible parametrization is: x(u,v)=(√2cosucosv,√3cosusinv,√2sinu),
with −π2≤u≤π2,0≤v≤π. Then I make:
X[u_,v_] := {Sqrt[2] Cos[u] Cos[v], Sqrt[3] Cos[u] Sin[v], Sqrt[2] Sin[u]}
f[{x_, y_, z_}] := x^2 + z^2
Integrate[f[X[u, v]] Norm[Cross[D[X[u, v], u], D[X[u, v], v]]], {u, -π/2, π/2}, {v, 0 , π}]
but Mathematica just won't compute it (keeps running on and on). What is an efficient way to do this? Thanks.
Solution with NIntegrate
NIntegrate[f[X[u, v]] Norm[Cross[D[X[u, v], u], D[X[u, v], v]]], {u, -π/2, π/2}, {v, 0, π}]
(* 19.8097 *)
An alternative approach to the problem is
s = ImplicitRegion[{x^2/2 + y^2/3 + z^2/2 == 1 && y > 0}, {x, y, z}];
Chop[NIntegrate[x^2 + z^2, {x, y, z} ∈ s], 10^-7]
which, of course, yields the same answer.
Added: Solution with Integrate
Consider the calculation in cylindrical coordinates with the axis along y
. Integrating about the axis of symmetry then leaves the integral of 2 π r^3
over the 1D region,
s1 = ImplicitRegion[{r^2/2 + y^2/3 == 1 && r > 0 && y > 0}, {r, y}];
2 π Integrate[r^3, {r, y} ∈ s1]
(* 1/2 π (10 + 3 Sqrt[2] ArcCot[Sqrt[2]]) *)
with the numerical value given earlier.
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