I would like to automatically linearize some long equations in the scope of variational calculus. Here follows an example of what I need to do :
Given two variables a1=q1+δq1 and a2=q2+δq2 and a product a12a2=q12q2+2q1q2δq1+q2δq12+q12δq2+2q1δq1δq2+δq12δq2
I would like to eliminate any variable preceded by the δ symbol which power is superior to 1 (make it equal to zero), and any product of two variables preceded by the δ symbol (make the product equal to zero also). So as to obtain :
I first tried the Assumptions
options while expanding :
a1 = Subscript[q, 1] + Subscript[\[Delta]q, 1];
a2 = Subscript[q, 2] + Subscript[\[Delta]q, 2];
Expand[a1^2*a2, Assumptions -> Subscript[\[Delta]q, 1]^2 = 0]
Which returned the following :
Set::write: Tag Rule in Assumptions->Subsuperscript[\[Delta]q, 1, 2] is Protected. >>
(Subscript[q, 1] + Subscript[\[Delta]q, 1])^2 (Subscript[q,
2] + Subscript[\[Delta]q, 2])
Of course it didn't work. Truth is that I don't know how to start this... Does someone has any ideas?
I also tried :
a1 = Subscript[q, 1] + Subscript[\[Delta]q, 1];
a2 = Subscript[q, 2] + Subscript[\[Delta]q, 2];
b = Expand[a1^2*a2];
Assuming[Subscript[\[Delta]q, 1]^2 == 0, b]
which didn't work either and returned :
\*SubsuperscriptBox[\(q\), \(1\), \(2\)]\
\*SubscriptBox[\(q\), \(2\)]\) +
2 Subscript[q, 1] Subscript[q, 2] Subscript[\[Delta]q, 1] +
Subscript[q, 2]
\!\(\*SubsuperscriptBox[\(\[Delta]q\), \(1\), \(2\)]\) + \!\(
\*SubsuperscriptBox[\(q\), \(1\), \(2\)]\
\*SubscriptBox[\(\[Delta]q\), \(2\)]\) +
2 Subscript[q, 1] Subscript[\[Delta]q, 1] Subscript[\[Delta]q,
2] + \!\(
\*SubsuperscriptBox[\(\[Delta]q\), \(1\), \(2\)]\
\*SubscriptBox[\(\[Delta]q\), \(2\)]\)
I'd use Series
f[a1_, a2_] = a1^2 a2;
(Series[f[q1 + \[Epsilon] dq1, q2 + \[Epsilon] dq2], {\[Epsilon], 0, 1}] // Normal)
/. \[Epsilon] -> 1
(* dq2 q1^2 + 2 dq1 q1 q2 + q1^2 q2 *)
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