For a one-variable numerical function, it's simple to calculate the derivative at a point with Derivative
as Szabolcs has pointed out before:
f[x_?NumericQ] := x^2
(* 6. *)
But this fails for partial derivatives:
g[x_?NumericQ, y_?NumericQ, z_?NumericQ] = x y z + x^2 y^2 z
Derivative[1, 0, 0][g][1., 1., 1.]
(* 3. *)
Derivative[1, 1, 1][g][2., 3., 4.]
(* Unevaluated: Derivative[1, 1, 1][g][2., 3., 4.] *)
seems to only handle the one-dimensional case.
Using SeriesCoefficient
simply returns the (scaled) Derivative
SeriesCoefficient[g[x, y, z], {x, 2., 1}, {y, 3., 1}, {z, 4., 1}]
(* Derivative[1, 1, 1][g][2., 3., 4.] *)
I'd prefer not to clutter my code with finite difference formulas, since this functionality must be in Mathematica somewhere; where is it?
EDIT: The closest I've found so far is NDSolve`FiniteDifferenceDerivative
, but that works on grids and it's a hassle to use for other purposes. Anyone know of a convenient C/Java library that links well with Mathematica and handles all kinds of numerical differentiation?
EDIT2: Does Derivative
have accuracy control? (step size or anything)
Clear @ f
f[x_?NumericQ] = Exp[x];
Array[Abs[Derivative[#1][f][1.] - E] &, {8}]
I see no fundamental problem in using ND
to answer all your questions. First I'll repeat the definition of your example function, then I do a single and a third partial derivative. Following that, I'll repeat the test of the accuracy for the exponential function:
g[x_?NumericQ, y_?NumericQ, z_?NumericQ] = x y z + x^2 y^2 z
(* ==> x y z + x^2 y^2 z *)
ND[g[x, 1, 1], x, 1]
(* ==> 3. *)
ND[ND[ND[g[x, y, z], x, 1], y, 1], z, 1]
(* ==> 5. *)
f[x_?NumericQ] = Exp[x];
ND[f[x], {x, #}, 1, WorkingPrecision -> 40, Terms -> 10] -
E] &, {8}]
==> {2.29368416218483*10^-21, 9.0878860135398*10^-19,
3.069047503987*10^-17, 3.9592354955*10^-16, 3.03377341*10^-15,
1.671999*10^-14, 7.334*10^-14, 2.7*10^-13}
The last example with the exponential function is actually discussed specifically in the help for ND
, and I just copied the settings from that application.
With the nested ND
calls above, the number of evaluations of the function g
may become prohibitively large. Here is a way to reduce the number of derivative evaluations dramatically when doing repeated partial derivatives with ND
Clear[g, g1, g2];
g[x_?NumericQ, y_?NumericQ, z_?NumericQ] := (c += 1; x y z + x^2 y^2 z)
g1[x_?NumericQ, y_?NumericQ, z_?NumericQ] := ND[g[x1, y, z], x1, x]
g2[x_?NumericQ, y_?NumericQ, z_?NumericQ] := ND[g1[x, y1, z], y1, y]
c = 0;
(* ==> 0 *)
ND[g2[1, 1, z], z, 1] // N
(* ==> 5. *)
(* ==> 512 *)
The variable c
is just a counter that gets incremented whenever the original function g
is called. Compared to ND[Nd[Nd[...]]]
, the reduction factor is 256
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