I am calculating approximate derivatives by using NDSolve`FiniteDifferenceDerivative
, so this works:
Subscript[Der, i_][yyy_] :=
xx = Length[yyy];
DifferenceOrder -> 2] @ "DifferentiationMatrix"
// Normal // Developer`ToPackedArray // SparseArray];
xi = 1.;
xf = -1;
yy = 100;
xgrid = Table[xi + i (xf - xi/yy), {i, 0, yy}];
(Der1 = Subscript[Der, 1][xgrid]) // MatrixForm;
numerical = Der1.Exp[-xgrid^2];
exact = -2*xgrid*Exp[-xgrid^2];
diff = numerical - exact;
diffError = yy^2*diff
ListLinePlot[yy^2 Abs[diff]]
I want to show my solution is accurate by demonstrating that the difference between the numerical solution and the exact solution goes to zero as yy−2. For this I want to plot yy2|numerical−exact| for different values of yy but am not sure how to do this.
The code gives reasonable values for the differences, though I am not sure how to plot them for different yy values.
I obtained the follow plot from the code shown above.
xi = -1.;
xf = 1;
xgrid[yy_] := Range[xi, xf, (xf - xi)/yy]
Subscript[Der, i_][yyy_] := Module[{xx}, xx = Length[yyy];
NDSolve`FiniteDifferenceDerivative[Derivative[i], N[yyy],
DifferenceOrder -> 2]@"DifferentiationMatrix" // Normal //
Developer`ToPackedArray // SparseArray];
Der1[yy_] := Subscript[Der, 1][xgrid[yy]]
numerical[yy_] := Der1[yy].Exp[-xgrid[yy]^2]
exact[yy_] := -2*xgrid[yy]*Exp[-xgrid[yy]^2]
diff[yy_] := numerical[yy] - exact[yy]
yyvals = {100, 300, 1000};
Table[Transpose[{xgrid[yy], yy^2 Abs[diff[yy]]}], {yy, yyvals}],
PlotRange -> All, PlotLegends -> StringTemplate["yy = ``"] /@ yyvals]
Max[diff[100]] / Max[diff[1000]] = 99.9756
This means the error ~ 1/yy^2
. For better see this scaling low one can use logarithmic scale:
Table[Transpose[{xgrid[yy], Abs[diff[yy]]}], {yy, yyvals}],
PlotRange -> All, PlotLegends -> StringTemplate["yy = ``"] /@ yyvals,
ScalingFunctions -> "Log", Frame -> True]
NonlinearModelFit[Table[{yy, Max[diff[yy]]}, {yy, 100, 10000, 500}],
a + b/x^2, {a, b}, x]
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