Firstly I wanted to find all the non-negative integer solutions for the following equation given the value of kmax
For this I use the following code:-
Flatten[Permutations /@ IntegerPartitions[kmax, {4}, Range[0,
kmax]]], 4]
Secondly I want to do in some sense the inverse of the above problem which is to find the position of the ki state given a set of {k1,k2,k3,k4} and kmax.
For this part I use the code below.
findIndex[kmax_, state_] := Position[Partition[
Flatten[Permutations /@ IntegerPartitions[kmax, {4}, Range[0, kmax]]],
4], val_ /; val == state]
findIndex[4, {0, 1, 1, 2}]
I really don't like this method for the second part.
Can this be achieved without going over all the permutations?
I think you'll find this considerably more efficient than the accepted answer:
f= With[{s = Accumulate@Reverse@# + 1, r = Range[Length@# - 1]},
Tr[(Pochhammer[Rest@s, r] - Pochhammer[Most@s, r])/r!] + 1] &;
test={77620, 58215, 38810, 19405};
f@test // RepeatedTiming
Block[{$RecursionLimit = 100000}, index[Tr@test, Most@test] // RepeatedTiming]
{0.000017, 954814548275041}
{0.7, 954814548275041}
About 4 orders of magnitude faster.
Additionally, no need to mess with $RecursionLimit
for larger cases (which even with it, can crash kernel using index
, at least this happens on my machine).
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