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graphics - The mysterious gap inside Grid

There's this gap inside Grid which I cannot seem to remove. Perhaps someone knows how.

blocks = Table[{Graphics[{Darker@Green, Rectangle[{0, 0}, {1000, 200}]}]}, {i, 6}]
myGrid = Grid[blocks, Spacings -> {0, 0}, Frame -> All]

At 100% resolution.

All nice and even at 100% zoom. Now if I zoom in on this to say 640% inside the notebook: At 640% resolution

Extra space appears below each item as shown. The orange box received by clicking on the graphics suggests that Grid is responsible for the gap but Spacings have already been set to 0. Ssing Magnify will also cause the issue to appear at lower zoom rates. Does anyone know a fix for this in Grid? Or do I have to resort to GraphicsGrid which doesn't have this issue.

EDIT: This is the result produced from using the code as provided by Mike's answer (copy and pasted). Mike And this one with it magnified so the code can be included in the screenshot. magnified

I'm going to re-emphasize that this issue only occurs when I zoom in far enough or use Magnify.

Edit2: I'm on Mathematica 9.0.0
