This is what I used in a stylesheet for Section
CellDingbat->Cell[TextData[{CounterBox["Section"], "."}]]
This is what I used in a stylesheet for Subsection
CellDingbat->Cell[TextData[{CounterBox["Subsection"], "."}]]
As you can see, the subsection counter get reset when I start a new section. How can I get the subsection counter to continue its count in the new section.
The thing which resets the "Subsection" counter is the CounterAssignments
option. The option includes a list of assignments, including:
{"Subsection", 0}
which just means that, beginning in that cell, the "Subsection" counter is assigned to 0 (and will be incremented to 1 beginning at the next cell).
You can use the Option Inspector to change the option on a specific Section cell, or you can change the stylesheet for the entire notebook. To change the stylesheet, choose the Format->Edit Stylesheet... menu item, then paste and interpret the following cell expression at the end of the stylesheet:
Cell[StyleData["Section"], CounterAssignments->
{{"Subsubsection", 0}, {"Item", 0}, {"Subitem", 0}, {"Subsubitem", 0},
{"ItemNumbered", 0}, {"SubitemNumbered", 0}, {"SubsubitemNumbered", 0}}]
This just mimics the default list for the Section style, but omitting the "Subsection" counter setting.
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