The von Mises yield function is given by:
were σ1 and σ2 are the principal stresses and σy is the yield stress. If Φ(σ1,σ2)=0, σy=200 and using ContourPlot
contourplot = ContourPlot[Sqrt[sig1^2 + sig2^2 - sig1 sig2] - 200 == 0, {sig1, -300,
300}, {sig2, -300, 300}]
I have:
I need to find the parametric version of Φ(σ1,σ2), but I'm stuck.
Still now based on this question How to plot a rotated ellipse using ParametricPlot
?, I can plot a rotated parametrized ellipse (red and dashed line) obtained from this code:
a = 300;
b = a/2;
gamma = Pi/4;
pmplot = ParametricPlot[{(a Cos[theta] Cos[gamma] - b Sin[theta] Sin[gamma]), a Cos[theta] Sin[gamma] + b Sin[theta] Cos[gamma]}, {theta, 0 ,2 Pi}, PlotStyle -> {Thick, Red, Dashed}];
Show[contourplot, pmplot]
The problem is to find the values of a
and b
to fit the parametric equation with the von Mises ellipse.
ClearAll[a, b, gamma]
table = Sqrt[#^2 + #2^2 - # #2] - 200 & @@@
Table[{(a Cos[theta] Cos[gamma] - b Sin[theta] Sin[gamma]),
a Cos[theta] Sin[gamma] + b Sin[theta] Cos[gamma]},
{theta, 0, Pi, Pi/4}];
{a, b, gamma} = NArgMin[{Norm @ table, 0 <= gamma <= 2 Pi}, {a, b, gamma}]
{282.843, -163.299, 0.785398}
pmplot = ParametricPlot[{(a Cos[theta] Cos[gamma] - b Sin[theta] Sin[gamma]),
a Cos[theta] Sin[gamma] + b Sin[theta] Cos[gamma]},
{theta, 0, 2 Pi}, PlotStyle -> {Thick, Red, Dashed}];
Show[contourplot, pmplot]
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