It seems that Mathematica only has group functionality for permutation groups? Then there is a step to transform the abstract finite one to a permutation one.
As an example, consider the following problem
Suppose $G=,trytocomputeab^2ab^2a$.
It can proceed by viewing the elements of group just as a string, and the rule of group can be view as a rule of string replace. Any way, I would like to use NonCommutativeMultiply
Firstly, let us define the rule, basically, we only need to define the rule for ab and ba, since whenever we know how to commute these two generators, then we can use the fact a2=1=b3 to simplify our expression. It is not hard to compute ab=b2a, ba=ab2:
rel = {c___ ** a ** a ** d___ :> c ** i ** d,
c___ ** b ** b ** b ** d___ :> c ** i ** d,
c___ ** a ** b ** d___ :> c ** b ** b ** a ** d,
c___ ** b ** a ** d___ :> c ** a ** b ** b ** d , a___ ** i :> a,
i ** a___ :> a}
Now, let us define the set of group elements. Since a is a order 2 element and b is order 3, we know that G must be a subgroup of order 6=o(a)×o(b), thus the elements can be expressed by
set = {i, a, b, b ** b, a ** b, b ** a}
Lastly, we can compute what's the results of a multiply from left:
a ** # & /@ set/.rel
The problem: It seems my rule has not do the function of simplify the expression, as you can see the results is
{a, NonCommutativeMultiply[i], b ** b ** a, b ** b ** a ** b, i ** b,
b ** b ** a ** a}
the element b**b**a**a
should be b**b
, so please help me to correct the rule?
The correct result should be
aset = {a, i, a ** b, b ** a, b, b ** b}
form which we can find the permutation by
FindPermutation[set, aset]
which gives
Cycles[{{1, 2}, {3, 5}, {4, 6}}]
For simplicity, let's set
ncm[a__] := NonCommutativeMultiply[a]
My recommendation for this problem is to choose a "normal order" for the group elements. That is, I would choose to represent the group elements in such a way that all the a
's are to the left of the b
's. To do this, we define our set of replacements in such a way that b
's always move to the right:
rel = {ncm[c___, a, a, d___] :> ncm[c, i, d]
, ncm[c___, b, b, b, d___] :> ncm[c,i, d]
, ncm[c___, b, b, a, d___] :> ncm[c, a, b, d]
, ncm[c___, b, a, d___] :> ncm[c, a, b, b, d]
, ncm[a__, i] :> ncm[a]
, ncm[i, a__] :> ncm[a]
, ncm[a_] :> a
This guarantees that when we apply the rules repeatedly (which we have to do), the process will eventually terminate.
Then, we get the group elements into normal order by using ReplaceRepeated
with the replacement rules rel
set = {i, a, b, b ** b, a ** b, b ** a} //. rel
(* {i, a, b, b ** b, a ** b, a ** b ** b} *)
So, instead of using b ** a
as one of the elements, we use the slightly more complicated (but it turns out easier to use) a ** b ** b
Finally, then, multiplication on the left by a
results in
aset = a ** # & /@ set //. rel
(* {a, i, a ** b, a ** b ** b, b, b ** b} *)
FindPermutation[set, aset]
(* Cycles[{{1, 2}, {3, 5}, {4, 6}}] *)
Brief explanation
To answer your questions:
has very little rules associated with it. In particular,ncm[a]
doesn't evaluate, i.e. it just evaluates toncm[a]
. So we have to add the rule that if we havencm[i]
, for instance, this will evaluate toi
. It is a pattern that will match any single expression.__
. It is a pattern will match any sequence of one or more expressions.___
. It will match any sequence of expressions, including theNull
Sequence. Meditate on the results of these three evaluations:{f[], f[a], f[a, b]} /. f[_] :> f[1]
{f[], f[a], f[a, b]} /. f[__] :> f[1]
{f[], f[a], f[a, b]} /. f[___] :> f[1]
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