I wanted to solve the differential equation: y′=(1+2x)√y with y(0)=1. It can be done by hand, and to check my answer I typed the following in Mathematica
DSolve[{y'[x] == (1 + 2 x)Sqrt[y[x]], y[0] == 1}, y[x] ,x]// FullSimplify
Surprisingly Mathematica gave me two solutions:
{{y[x] -> 1/4 (-2 + x + x^2)^2}, {y[x] -> 1/4 (2 + x + x^2)^2}}
The second solution is what I got by hand. However, I don’t see how Mathematica got the first solution.
If I use it, I get y’(0) = -1, but according to the differential equation y′(0)=(1+2∗0)√y(0)=1.
I can see that it is a solution of y′(x)2=((1+2x)√y)2, but that ODE is not equivalent to y′=(1+2x)√y.
And when I run the following Mathematica code:
s1[x_] = 1/4 (-2 + x + x^2)^2;
s2[x_] = 1/4 (2 + x + x^2)^2;
check1[x_] = s1'[x] - (1 + 2 x) Sqrt[s1[x]];
check2[x_] = s2'[x] - (1 + 2 x) Sqrt[s2[x]];
Plot[{check1[x]}, {x, -3, 1.5}]
Plot[{check2[x]}, {x, -3, 1.5}]
I can see that check2[x]
is identically zero, but not check1[x]
. What am I missing here?
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