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plotting - How to assign arbitrary values to frameaxis of a ListDensityPlot

Maybe the question is stupid or already has been asked, however, I cannot find an answer while searching Q&A.

Assume you have a


Now applying ListDensityPlot will bring the values 1 to 4 to the frameaxis, which reflects somehow col and row of the table.

But how to assign arbitrary values or even a string to these frameaxis of a ListDensityPlot? Anybody can help?



For random values,

ListDensityPlot[Table[x*y, {x, 1, 4}, {y, 1, 4}], FrameTicks ->
{{Transpose[{Range[4], RandomReal[1, 4]}], Automatic},
{Transpose[{Range[4], RandomReal[1, 4]}], Automatic}}]

enter image description here

For string labels,

ListDensityPlot[Table[x*y, {x, 1, 4}, {y, 1, 4}], FrameTicks ->
{{{{1, "hello"}, {3, "world"}}, Automatic},
{{{1.5, "a"}, {3.2, "b"}}, Automatic}}]

enter image description here
