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bugs - A documented syntax of FileNames doesn't work?

Documentation discrepancy present in 10.3 and fixed in 10.4.1

According to the documentation for FileNames under Details:

FileNames[forms,dirs,{n}] includes names of directories only if they appear exactly at level n.

However when I attempt to use this syntax I get an error:

FileNames["foo*", "c:\\", {2}]

FileNames::innf: Non-negative integer or Infinity expected at position 3 in FileNames[foo*,c:\,{2}]. >>

I am using Mathematica 10.0.1 under Windows. Does this syntax work on other systems?


It was fixed in 10.4.1

Posting this wiki answer to reduce the unanswered questions stack

FileNames["D*", $InstallationDirectory, {2}]

{"C:\\Program Files\\Wolfram Research\\Mathematica\\10.4\\SystemFiles\\Data", 
"C:\\Program Files\\Wolfram Research\\Mathematica\\10.4\\SystemFiles\\Devices",
"C:\\Program Files\\Wolfram Research\\Mathematica\\10.4\\SystemFiles\\Dictionaries"}
