I have a function defined as follows:
g[θ_] := 1/k (Exp[-I δ0] Sin[δ0] + 3 Exp[I δ1] Sin[δ1 Cos[θ] +
5/2 Exp[I δ2 (3 (Cos[θ])^2 - 1))
and I compute the product of g
with its complex conjugate as follows:
f[θ] Conjugate[f[θ]]
which gives me:
4.18986*10^-30 ((0.453154 - 0.288691 I) + (0.443562 - 0.0670825 I) Conjugate[Cos[θ]] +
(2.49994 - 0.0174532 I) (-1 + 3 Conjugate[Cos[θ]]^2)) ((0.453154 + 0.288691 I) +
(0.443562 + 0.0670825 I) Cos[θ] + (2.49994 + 0.0174532 I) (-1 + 3 Cos[θ]^2))
However I want theta to be real so that Conjugate[Cos[θ]]
is just Cos[θ]
and likewise for Conjugate[Cos[θ]]^2
How can I do this?
I should say my end goal is to plot and integrate the product of g
with its product. I've tried what Rashid Zia suggested like so:
Simplify[g[θ] Conjugate[g[θ]], θ ∈ Reals], {θ, 0, 2 Pi},
AxesLabel -> {rad, m^2/sr}
but the plot doesn't look like what I'm told it should, and the integral:
Integrate[2 Pi Simplify[g[θ] Conjugate[g[θ]], θ ∈ Reals], {θ, 0, Pi}]
doesn't seem to return the expected value.
Is there something I am missing here?
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