I would like to accurately distort this plot of sin(x1/2) (and others like it) so that the wavelengths are evened out (ie - "inverse-square root" it).
I should like to do the same to "de-log" plots too.
I have no idea where to start though.
plt1 = Plot[Sin[Sqrt[x]], {x, 0, 1000}, ImageSize -> 400];
ticks = Ticks /. AbsoluteOptions[plt1, Ticks];
ticks = MapAt[#^(1/2) &, ticks, {{1, All, 1}}];
plotrange = PlotRange[plt1];
plotrange = MapAt[#^(1/2) &, plotrange, {1}];
plt2 = Graphics[plt1[[1]] /. Line[x_] :> Line[{#[[1]]^(1/2), #[[2]]} & /@ x],
PlotRange -> plotrange, Ticks -> ticks, plt1[[2]]];
Row[{plt1, plt2}]
Update: The approach above works without issue in Version (Windows 8 64bit). Unfortunately it does not work in Version 10 because AbsoluteOptions
stopped working as expected in Version 10. A work-around until the AbsoluteOptions
glitch is fixed (hopefully in Version is to specify the ticks directly:
ticksb = {{#^(1/2),#}&/@FindDivisions[{0,1000},{5}][[1]],Automatic};
plt2b = Graphics[plt1[[1]] /. Line[x_] :> Line[{#[[1]]^(1/2), #[[2]]} & /@ x],
PlotRange -> plotrange, Ticks -> ticksb, plt1[[2]]];
Row[{plt1, plt2b}]
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