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functions - Module and Local variable


GetIntersectionPoint[p1_, p2_] := 
Module[{pts, vecs, n, vars, distance, sol, x, y, z, t}, (

pts = p2;
vecs = p1 - pts;
n = Length[pts];
vars = Array[t, n];
{distance, sol} =
Total[({x, y, z} - Transpose[pts + vecs vars])^2, 2], {x, y, z}~


I call this function with p1 and p2 where

    p1={{100, 100, 100},{100, 0, 100},{0, 100, 100}};
p2={{500/3, 500/3, 0},{500/3, 0, 0},{0, 500/3, 0}};

I obtain like this:

{0, {x$17013 -> 0, y$17013 -> 0, z$17013 -> 250, t$17013[1] -> 5/2, 
t$17013[2] -> 5/2, t$17013[3] -> 5/2}}

How Can I fix the rename of the local variables ?
