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plotting - How to remove ticks?

I wanted to remove the Ticks in my coding but i can't. Here when i try to remove the Ticks the number also gone. I need numbers without Ticks, Ticks and GridLines should be automatic and don't usePlotRange .

BarChart[{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}}, ImageSize -> 400, BarOrigin -> Left, 
ChartLayout -> "Stacked", ImageSize -> {500, 300},

GridLines -> {Automatic, None}, Ticks -> {{Automatic}, None}
LabelStyle -> Directive[Opacity[1]],
TicksStyle -> Directive[Opacity[.3]]
Axes -> {True, False}, AxesStyle -> Opacity[.0],
ChartStyle -> {RGBColor[.06, .29, .66], RGBColor[.01, .56, .61],
RGBColor[1, .58, 0]},
ChartBaseStyle -> EdgeForm[GrayLevel[.6]]]

enter image description here
