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calculus and analysis - No response to an infinite limit

Trying to compute this limit, things seem to get frozen, even for hours. What would you
recommend to fastly compute it?

Limit[(Integrate[Product[x^k (1 - x^k), {k, 1, n}], {x, 0, 1}])^(1/n),n -> Infinity]


I very much suspect that the limit is not 1/4, but rather exp(max

If I were writing this up on math.SE, I'd start right in on a proof of this, but on this site I think that it would be more welcome to show some of the Mathematica techniques I used to come up with this.

The first step in estimating an integral is to see where it is large.

integrand[x_, n_] := Product[x^k (1 - x^k), {k, 1, n}]
xMax[n_] := xMax[n] = x /. Last[NMaximize[{integrand[x, n], 0 < x < 1}, x]]
yMax[n_] := yMax[n] = First[NMaximize[{integrand[x, n], 0 < x < 1}, x]]
Do[{xMax[n], yMax[n]}, {n,5,30}]

Here xMax is where the function is largest, and yMax is its largest value. The NMaximize's take time, so I am computing the first bunch once and for all.

My first goal is to get an idea of the shape of the function. Right now, I don't care so much about its absolute size, I want to know what it looks like. Here is integrand, renormalized to take values from 0 to 1.

Plot[Table[integrand[x, 5*m]/yMax[5*m], {m, 1, 5}] , {x, 0, 1},PlotRange -> {0, 1}]

enter image description here

So we're talking about a spike near 1, which gets narrower as n \to \infty. The width of that spike looks like 1/n^c for some small constant c -- in any case not exponential -- so \int_{x=0}^1 (\mbox{your function}) dx should be roughly n^{-c} \max_{0 < x < 1} (\mbox{your function}) and we should have \lim_{n \to \infty} \left( \int_{x=0}^1 (\mbox{your function}) dx \right)^{1/n} \approx \lim_{n \to \infty} \left( \max_{0 < x <1 } (\mbox{your function}) dx \right)^{1/n}. This will be the first of many steps I won't make rigorous.

So, let's figure out how tall that spike is and, while we're at it, where it is. Here is a semi-log plot of the maximum value:

ListPlot[Table[Log[yMax[n]], {n, 5, 30}]]

enter image description here

Straight as a pin! So yMax is dropping exponentially, and the constant in that exponential is the constant you want. For the fun of it, let's do a best fit line:

Fit[Table[{n, Log[yMax[n]]}, {n, 5, 30}], {n, 1}, n]
(* Output 0.795824 - 1.6565 n *)

That -1.66 is pretty good: I'll later calculate that it is actually -1.69. For now, I'll continue the mathematical analysis.

The next step is to figure out where that maximum is. We saw above that xMax is approaching 1, so the most useful number is 1-xMax[n]. Here is a log-log plot. (Disclaimer: I actually figured out what the answer should be with pencil and paper first, and did the plot to check my work.)

ListPlot[Table[{Log[n], Log[1 - xMax[n]]}, {n, 10, 30}]]

enter image description here

Looks linear again, suggesting that xMax is roughly 1-a n^{-b}. Let's find out what b is:

Fit[Table[{n, Log[1 - xMax[n]]}, {n, 10, 30}], {Log[n], 1}, n]
(* Output -0.0213984 - 0.908425 Log[n] *)

That 0.9 is close enough to 1 to suggest that, probably, xMax is acting like 1-a n^{-1}. (I'm cheating: I already got an exponent of 1 in my hand computation, so this is just confirming evidence.)

It is usually a good idea to make a change of variables which puts the maximum of the integrand in a position independent of n. Usually, I'd use x=1-y/n, but in this case x is being raised to a lot of powers, so I went with x=e^{-y/n}. So our integrand is \prod_k e^{-k y/n} (1-e^{-ky/n}) = \exp \left( \sum_k - y (k/n) + \log(1-e^{-y k/n}) \right). That sum looks like a Riemann sum, so (nonrigorously) \prod_k e^{-k y/n} (1-e^{-ky/n}) \approx \exp \left( n \int_{t=0}^1 \left(-yt + \log(1-e^{yt}) \right)dt \right).

How good is this approximation?

{integrand[E^(-y/(5*m)), 5*m],
E^(5*m*NIntegrate[-y*t + Log[1 - E^(-y*t)], {t, 0, 1}])},
{y, 0, 3}, PlotRange -> {0, yMax[5*m]}] , {m, 1, 5}]

enter image description here enter image description here

Not great. Here I show the n=5 and n=25 plots, omitting the intermediate ones. It looks like I missed a constant factor somewhere, or else the convergence is slow. But notice that it is only off by a factor of 2 or 3, even though the value of the function is changing by many orders of magnitude, and I nailed the basic shape of the function. Any constant factor will be swamped by the 1/n in the exponent when I take the limit.

In short, I believe that the integrand is approximately \exp \left( n \int_{t=0}^1 \left(-yt + \log(1-e^{yt}) \right)dt \right). I also pick up a (1/n) e^{-y/n} dy in place of dx, but that won't effect the asymtotics on this crude level. The largest value of the integrand should then be roughly \exp \left( n \max_{y>0} \int_{t=0}^1 \left( -yt + \log(1-e^{-yt}) \right) dt \right) and the n-th root of the integral should approach \exp \left( \max_{y>0} \int_{t=0}^1 \left( -yt + \log(1-e^{-yt}) \right) dt \right).

Before we compute that maximum, let's take a look at the function we are maximizing:

Plot[NIntegrate[-y*t + Log[1 - E^(-y*t)], {t, 0, 1}], {y, 0, 3}]

enter image description here

Good, nothing funny about it. A nice smooth peak. Incidently, this helps us analyze the width of the spike from back at the start: For \exp \left( n \int_{t=0}^1 \left(-yt + \log(1-e^{yt}) \right)dt \right) to be above 1/e of it's maximum value, \int_{t=0}^1 \left(-yt + \log(1-e^{yt}) \right) dt must be no less than 1/n below its maximum. Since that curve looks like it is smooth with a nonzero second derivative at it's max, this means that y must be within \pm 1/n^{1/2} of its optimum, so x must be within \pm 1/n^{3/2} of its optimum. In short, the width of the spikes from my first figure is probably 1/n^{3/2}; a careful proof would have to establish this in order to justify approximating the integral by the maximum of its integrand.

There is only one thing left to do.

maxIntegral = NMaximize[{NIntegrate[-y*t + Log[1 - E^(-y*t)], {t, 0, 1}], 0 < y}, y]
(* {-1.68656, {y -> 1.40505}} *)

(* 0.185155 *)


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