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A Graphics3D bug in version 11.1.0

Bug introduced in 11.1.0 and fixed in 11.1.1

When an opacity option is added to 3D graphics, the axis labels go wrong, in such a way that the notebook's background colour (which can be user-defined) is used as the background colour of the label text, as shown below.

SetOptions[EvaluationNotebook[], Background -> RGBColor[0.058, 0.215, 0.262]]; 
Graphics3D[{Opacity[0.1], Cylinder[]}, Axes -> True, Background -> White]

It seems that the background colour of the whole graphics is not transferred to that of the labels.

erroneous label background colour

In[1]:= $Version

Out[1]= 11.1.0 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (March 13, 2017)

Operating system: Windows 7.

(To change the background colour of notebooks, one can go to the Options Inspector: Options Inspector -> Notebooks Options -> Display Options -> Background : RGBColor[0.058, 0.215, 0.262])

In addition, what options can be added to the plot to serve as a temporary fix of it?
