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functions - What best practices or performance considerations are there for choosing between Cases, Position, Pick and Select?

Cases, Select,Pick and Position each have different syntaxes and purposes, but there are times when you can express the same calculation equivalently using either of them. So with this input:

test = RandomInteger[{-25, 25}, {20, 2}]

{{-15, 13}, {-8, 16}, {-8, -19}, {7, 6}, {-21, 9}, {-3, -25}, {21, -18}, {4, 4}, {2, -2}, {-24, 8}, {-17, -8}, {4, -18}, {22, -24}, {-4, -3}, {21, 0}, {19, 18}, {-23, -8}, {23, -25}, {14, -2}, {-1, -13}}

You can get the following equivalent results:

Cases[test, {_, _?Positive}]

{{-15, 13}, {-8, 16}, {7, 6}, {-21, 9}, {4, 4}, {-24, 8}, {19, 18}}

Select[test, #[[2]] > 0 &]

{{-15, 13}, {-8, 16}, {7, 6}, {-21, 9}, {4, 4}, {-24, 8}, {19, 18}}

Pick[test, Sign[test[[All, 2]] ], 1]

{{-15, 13}, {-8, 16}, {7, 6}, {-21, 9}, {4, 4}, {-24, 8}, {19, 18}}

test[[Flatten@Position[test[[All, 2]], _?Positive] ]]

{{-15, 13}, {-8, 16}, {7, 6}, {-21, 9}, {4, 4}, {-24, 8}, {19, 18}}

Are there performance or other considerations that should guide which you should use? For example, is the pattern-matching used in Cases likely to be slower than the functional tests used in Select? Are there any generic rules of thumb, or is testing the particular case you are using the only solution?


In my view, Cases and Position are in one camp (pattern-based functions used for general expression destructuring), while Select is in another: (more) special-purpose functions optimized to work on certain efficient data structures.

As was mentioned already, both Cases and Select do generally unpack when used with packed arrays. What wasn't mentioned is that Select can easily be compiled, including compilation to C:

sel = Compile[{{lst, _Integer, 2}}, Select[lst, #[[2]] > 0 &], 
CompilationTarget -> "C", RuntimeOptions -> "Speed"];

In[98]:= (res3 = sel[test]);//Timing
Out[98]= {0.125,Null}

which gives an order of magnitude speed-up in the case at hand. Needless to say, Cases, being a general function using patterns, cannot be compiled and any attempt to do so will result in a callback to the main evaluator in the compiled code, which destroys the purpose.

Another difference is that Select can also work on sparse arrays, while Cases and Position can't.

OTOH, Cases and Position are more general in that they can work on arbitrary expressions (not necessarily packed or even regular arrays), and at an arbitrary level. If you happen to have an (even numerical) irregular nested list, where you can't utilize packing, Cases and Position may be able to do things Select can't (Select is limited to one level only). Performance-wise, Cases / Position can also be very efficient, if the test patterns are constructed properly (mostly syntactic patterns, with no Condition or PatternTest involved, and preferably not containing things like __, ___ etc as sub-parts).

There are instances when Cases (Position also, but not as much) are practially indispensable, and this is when you want to collect some information about the expression, while preventing its parts from evaluation. For example, getting all symbols involved in an expression expr, in unevaluated form, wrapped in HoldComplete (say), is as simple as this:

Cases[expr, s_Symbol :> HoldComplete[s], {0, Infinity}, Heads -> True]

and quite efficient as well. Generally, patterns and destructuring are very (perhaps most) powerful metaprogramming tools that Mathematica provides.

So, my final advice is this: when you have an expression with a fixed regular structure, or even better, numerical packed array, Select or other more precise operations (Pick etc) may be advantageous, and also more natural. When you have some general (perhaps symbolic) expression, and want to get some non-trivial information from it, Cases, Position and other pattern-based functions may be a natural choice.


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