Bug introduced in 7.0.1 or earlier and fixed in 10.0.0
I have a fairly simple 3×3 complex matrix, M=(72−i2−1+i12+5i2−1+i5+i−1+i12+5i2−1+i72−i2)
Solving for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors:
mat = {{7/2 - I/2, -1 + I, 1/2 + 5 I/2}, {-1 + I,
5 + I, -1 + I}, {1/2 + 5 I/2, -1 + I, 7/2 - I/2}};
{vals, vecs} = Eigensystem[mat]
gives (Mathematica 9.0.1)
But that 2nd eigenvector is not right; it should be (1,1,1). Is there a bug, or am I being incredibly obtuse?
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