I try to solve the following system of PDE coupled with ODE: θt−aθxx+bκa(θ4−φ)=0,
for functions θ,φ.
I use the following code (ζ=θ−θs, ξ=φ−φs where θs,φs is the solution of the stationary problem):
s = NDSolve[{D[zeta[t, x], t] - a*D[zeta[t, x], x, x] +
b*kappaa*(((thetas[x] + zeta[t, x])^4 - thetas[x]^4) -
xi[t, x]) == 0,
-alpha*D[xi[t, x], x, x] +
kappaa*(xi[t, x] - ((thetas[x] + zeta[t, x])^4 - thetas[x]^4)) ==
zeta[0, x] == zeta0[x], xi[0, x] == xi00[x],
-a*Derivative[0, 1][zeta][t, 0] + beta*zeta[t, 0] == 0,
a*Derivative[0, 1][zeta][t, ll] + beta*zeta[t, ll] == 0,
-alpha*Derivative[0, 1][xi][t, 0] + gamma*xi[t, 0] == 0,
alpha*Derivative[0, 1][xi][t, ll] + gamma*xi[t, ll] == 0},
{zeta, xi}, {x, 0, ll}, {t, 0, tt}]
The initial condition for θ is prescribed, the initial condition for φ was computed.
Wolfram Mathematica doesn't solve this system.
How can I solve it?
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