I'm still pretty new to Mathematica, so I would like to seek advice regarding a geometrical problem.
I am currently trying to define that as an extra condition in the Mathematica code below.
reg = ImplicitRegion[x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 + z^2/c^2 <= 1 {z, y, x}];
Volume[reg, Assumptions -> a > 0 && b > 0 && c > 0]
Any one has any idea how to incorporate it into the extra conditions in defining the implicit region?
Let you have a vector p, which is perpendicular to the plane and an ellipsoid with axes (a,b,c). The illustration (2D for simplicity):
Mathematica can calculate the numeric value of the clipped volume easily
Nvolume[p_, abc_] := Volume[RegionIntersection[
ImplicitRegion[{x, y, z}.N[p] > 0, {x, y, z}],
Ellipsoid[N[abc] {1, 0, 0}, N[abc]]]]
p = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, 3];
abc = RandomReal[{1, 2}, 3];
Nvolume[p, abc]
(* 16.2584 *)
Mathematica cannot derive the general formula, but it isn't difficult to derive manually. Let us introduce new coordinates
In these coordinates the ellipsoid becomes the unit ball
The Jacobian of this transformation is J=abc. In the new coordinates the normalized perpendicular vector is
Now it is simple to integrate the volume along the axis ξ because the cross section is a circle
volume[p_, abc_] := π Times @@ abc (2/3 + # - #^3/3) &@@ Normalize[abc p]
volume[p, abc]
(* 16.2584 *)
The result is the same.
Update: OP asks also about the area of the intersection. It is also an interesting question.
Mathematica region functionality is very powerful for numerical computations:
Narea[p_, abc_] := Area[RegionIntersection[ImplicitRegion[{x, y, z}.N[p] == 0, {x, y, z}],
Ellipsoid[N[abc] {1, 0, 0}, N[abc]]]]
Narea[p, abc]
(* 6.20243 *)
The analytic formula can be derived using the Dirac δ-function
A=∫ellipseδ(r⋅pp)dr=abcp∫unit ballδ(x′apx+y′bpy+z′cpz)dr′=abcp√a2p2x+b2p2y+c2p2z∫unit ballδ(r′⋅n)dr′.
area[p_, abc_] := π Times @@ abc (1 - #^2) & @@ Normalize[abc p] Norm[p]/Norm[abc p];
area[p, abc]
(* 6.20243 *)
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