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legending - How to raise the LegendLayout "Row" size

When using LegendLayout->"Row", with a lengthy row, I get line breaks. This would seemed logic if it was confined by another structure. But if happens even when there's no "confinement":

LineLegend[{Blue, Orange, Green}, {"this is a big test", 
"this is a big test", "this is a big test"}, LegendLayout -> "Row"]

enter image description here

How can I change the ItemSize/ImageSize of the Legend?

(should this behavior be reported?)


Tell it that you really want n rows by {"Row", n}, for example:

LineLegend[{Blue, Orange, Green}, {"this is a big test", 
"this is a big test", "this is a big test"},
LegendLayout -> {"Row", 1}]
