In trying to reproduce results from one paper I stumbled upon a problem with definition of some elliptic integrals (this is my guess of what could be the problem).
I will first present in a simplified form what I am trying to calculate, details are in the original paper (PRL 99, 226801, see Google Scholar for PDF)
The goal is to compute the following 2D integral
where θ(→a,→b) is the angle between →a and →b, q=|→q|. For those who would like to compare with the paper, this is essentially Eq.(2a), where for simplicity I set e=κ=1, selected the case s=1 and substituted all the definitions into one equation.
The integration domain is Ωc:|k|≤kc, where kc is a positive number.
The analytic result is known to be [cf. Eq. (3a)]:
Assuming, we want to know the result for $k
What is disturbing is that I was not able verify the integral numerically.
In the following, I will first rewrite all the equations in MA language.
i[2]=Integrate[(EllipticK[y^2]-EllipticE[y^2]-Ï€/4 y^2)/y^3,{y,0,x},
h[x_]=x(Ï€/4Log[4/x]-Ï€/8)-x i[2]
Notice, it takes a while to compute i[2]
. Now, we will be interested in the ΔI(k)=I(k)−I(0) function
Now we define the numerical integral (adding a small cut-off a
) transforming it to polar coordinates and assuming →k∥→ex
Δni[k_?NumericQ,kc_?NumericQ,a_?NumericQ]:=1/(4 π) NIntegrate[((k- q Cos[θ])/Sqrt[k^2+q^2-2 k q Cos[θ]]),{q,a,kc},{θ,0,2π},PrecisionGoal->4]
and compare
The points should exactly fall onto the analytic curve, but they are not... I would be happy with any of the answers:
- showing how the integral can be computed analytically with MA starting from the definition (basically confirming that my interpretation of the formula in the paper is correct),
- fixing a problem with MA numerics.
Notice, I can easily verify Fig.1 of that paper with MA. But the integral considered here is not plotted there.
The article "Density Dependent Exchange Contribution to ∂μ/∂n and Compressibility in Graphene" by E.H. Hwang,Ben Yu-Kuang Hu, and S. Das Sarma has a typo in the definition of h (there must be a plus before π8). After correction, the results match (I wrote down the finished results for the integrals, so as not to waste time every time to calculate them)
i[2]=Integrate[(EllipticK[y^2]-EllipticE[y^2]-\[Pi]/4 \
i1[x_] := (\[Pi] (-HypergeometricPFQ[{-(1/2), 1/2, 1/2}, {1, 3/2}, 1/
x^2] + HypergeometricPFQ[{1/2, 1/2, 1/2}, {1, 3/2}, 1/x^2]))/(
2 x)
i2[x_] :=
3/256 \[Pi] x^2 (HypergeometricPFQ[{1, 1, 3/2, 5/2}, {2, 3, 3},
x^2] + 3 HypergeometricPFQ[{1, 1, 5/2, 5/2}, {2, 3, 3}, x^2])
f[x_] := If[x <= 1, EllipticE[x^2],
x EllipticE[1/x^2] - (x - 1/x) EllipticK[1/x^2]]
h[x_] := If[x <= 1, x (\[Pi]/4 Log[4/x] + \[Pi]/8) - x i2[x], x i1[x]]
xi[k_, kc_] := kc/\[Pi] (h[k/kc] - f[k/kc])
\[CapitalDelta]xi[k_, kc_] := xi[k, kc] + kc/2
\[CapitalDelta]ni[k_?NumericQ, kc_?NumericQ, a_?NumericQ] :=
1/(4 \[Pi]) NIntegrate[((k - q Cos[\[Theta]])/
Sqrt[k^2 + q^2 - 2 k q Cos[\[Theta]]]), {q, a, kc}, {\[Theta], 0,
2 \[Pi]}]
dataI = Table[{k, \[CapitalDelta]ni[k, 30, 10^-10]}, {k, 0.1, 2, 0.1}]
Plot[\[CapitalDelta]xi[k, 30], {k, 0, 2},
Epilog -> {PointSize[Medium], Point[dataI]}, PlotRange -> {0, 2.3}]
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