I found some difficulties in plotting the set $$W(\mathbb{A}):=\{\langle x,\mathbb{A}x \rangle \mid \|x\|=1\},$$ where $\mathbb{A}\in\mathbb{C}^{n,n}$ is a given complex matrix and $\langle\cdot,\cdot\rangle$ stands for the Euclidean inner product in $\mathbb{C}^{n}$. Is there any (perhaps straightforward) way to visualize $W(\mathbb{A})$ in Mathematica?
A comment: I am particularly interested in the localization of $W(\mathbb{A})$ in $\mathbb{C}$ with emphasis on its boundary and its shape. I am looking for a procedure to give a plot of $W(\mathbb{A})$ without any additional assumptions on the matrix $\mathbb{A}$. The size of $\mathbb{A}$, however, need not be too big, say $n\leq100$.
Remark: $W(\mathbb{A})$ is a convex subset of $\mathbb{C}$ located in the disc $|z|\leq\|\mathbb{A}\|$ (the spectral norm of $\mathbb{A}$).
The algorithm in the article mentioned above tries to find the boundary of the numerical range "from outside" and therefore may give more accurate results.
My naive Mathematica implementation is:
lsEigenvalue[H_] := Module[{emax, emaxspace, emin, eminspace, es},
(* Find the largest and smallest eigenvalue of a Hermitian matrix H together with the corresponding eigenspace (naive implementation) *)
es = Sort[Eigenvalues[H], Re[#1] < Re[#2] &];
emin = First[es];
emax = Last[es];
eminspace = Orthogonalize[NullSpace[H - emin*IdentityMatrix[Length[H]]]];
emaxspace = Orthogonalize[NullSpace[H - emax*IdentityMatrix[Length[H]]]];
Return[{{emin, eminspace}, {emax, emaxspace}}]
plotNR[A_, n_] := Module[{t = 0., td = 2 π/n, Ht, Kt, points = {}, segments = {}, emax, emaxspace, emin, eminspace, vp, vm, Q, R},
PrintTemporary[ProgressIndicator[Dynamic[t], {0, 2 π}]];
(* data for numeric range plot *)
While[t < 2 π,
Ht = (Exp[-I t]*A + Exp[I t]*ConjugateTranspose[A])/2;
{emax, emaxspace} = Last[lsEigenvalue[Ht]];
Which[(* One dimensional eigenspace *)
Length[emaxspace] == 1,
vp = First[emaxspace];
AppendTo[points, Conjugate[vp].A.vp],
(* Two or greater dimension -- almost does not happen? *)
Length[emaxspace] > 1,
Kt = (Exp[-I t]*A - Exp[I t]*ConjugateTranspose[A])/(2 I);
Q = Transpose[emaxspace];
R = ConjugateTranspose[Q].Kt.Q;
{{emin, eminspace}, {emax, emaxspace}} = lsEigenvalue[R];
vp = Q.First[emaxspace];
vm = Q.First[eminspace];
AppendTo[segments, {Conjugate[vm].A.vm, Conjugate[vp].A.vp}],
(* Fail *)
t = t + td;
Return[{DeleteDuplicates[points], DeleteDuplicates[segments]}]
An example result for a $2\times 2$ matrix
$$ \begin{pmatrix} -1 & i \\ 2 & 3i \end{pmatrix}. $$
Red dots are computed by randomly sampling vectors and computing the quadratic form, blue dots are computed by the algorithm above.
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