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Print out all functions in Mathematica

Sometimes I only remember parts of a function name and I want find that function name quickly, and if I search in the document center, it will give too much informations related to that and difficult to find what I'm looking for. So is there a way to print out all the MMA functions in alphabetical order in a notebook, so that I can search only in the function names? Thanks.


There is Documentation`HelpLookup["guide/AlphabeticalListing"]

If you want to tweak it yourself, you can start with

SetAttributes[makeSearchable, Listable];
(* Thanks @rm-rf *)
makeSearchable[s_String] := Hyperlink[s, "paclet:ref/" <> s]

firstLetter = StringTake[#, 1] &;

OpenerView@{firstLetter@First@#, Column@makeSearchable@#} & /@
Pick[#, StringMatchQ[#, WordCharacter ..]] &@Names["System`*"],
firstLetter] // Column, WindowTitle -> "Function list",
WindowElements -> {"VerticalScrollBar"}]

However, the practical approach is, as suggested, to use Names with the "*" character for unknown parts, or better still, Information, as in ?Pl* (or the autocompletion functionality)
