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linear algebra - Should eigenvalues be ordered?

When I run Eigensystem on a symmetric matrix, the list of eigenvalues (and so, the corresponding eigenvectors) is ordered by absolute values, which is quite bizarre (it does make sense if you view the symmetric eigenvalue problem as a special case of the general eigenvalue problem, where the eigenvalues are complex, so modulus is as good a way to order them as any). Has it always been thus? Is this considered a feature?

If one wants the "obvious" ordering, the following function works fine, but it's a bit annoying.

sortify[es_] := Module[{pp = FindPermutation[es[[1]]]}, PermutationReplace[#, pp] & /@ es]

EDIT My personal view is that this is a bug. Mathematica (or any system, for that matter) should always return things in canonical order, which happens to be the one coming from the total ordering on the real line for real numbers.
