If we have two or more labels graphs, and we want to put them in a bigger graph at specific locations, how can we do it?
I tried the following and it does not work
graph1 = Labeled[Graphics[Circle[{0, 0}]], "Circle"];
graph2 = Labeled[Graphics[Circle[{0, 0}]], "Circle 2"];
Graphics[{graph1, graph2}]
Update, I need to put the smaller graphs at certain position, not necessarily in a grid.
I suggest using Inset
which will let specify arbitrary locations. Like so:
circles =
{Labeled[Graphics[Circle[{0, 0}]], "Circle"],
Labeled[Graphics[Circle[{0, 0}]], "Circle 2"]};
locations = {{-1, -1}, {1, 1}};
Graphics[MapThread[Inset[#1, #2] &, {circles, locations}],
PlotRangePadding -> 1.5,
Frame -> True]
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