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version 9 - Are there tools for getting Mathematica 9 Notebooks working in Mathematica 10?

As often happens with Mathematica updates, nearly all of my notebooks no longer work as they did with the previous version. The upgrade from 9 to 10 has changed the appearance or introduced errors into almost every figure or graphic I create. I'm also encountering many errors in code that has worked without error since version 7. Many of these errors are quite surprising (e.g. calculations that suddenly give division by zero errors on the same data that I've always used, out of range errors when indexing lists that have not changed since running in version 9, graphics suddenly scaling to different sizes than before, etc.), and very difficult to locate (they are generally in large notebooks that I've been using for years).

Is there a tool for analyzing version 9 code for potential issues in version 10?

I've enabled the notebook compatibility scanning feature; but that does not detect anything in any of my affected notebooks:

As I spend hours going through my code to track down the sources of my many 10-induced bugs, I've come across the following, so far:

  • DateDifference now returns a Quantity so that comparisons need to be wrapped in QuantityMagnitude (documented).

    This leads to all kinds of errors, as many tests, filters and comparisons now fail (x≠x days for example), resulting in lots of empty lists.

  • DateListPlot seems to behave as if Joined is True by default (apparently not documented).

  • Default line weights and point sizes have changed in many (all?) plots, with now clear way to restore them to exactly what they were before.
    This is vexing if you've got any kind of document production or style guidelines you've been following: all your code will now need to be adjusted to produce the results you've had.

  • I DateListPlot, if two points have the same time coordinate, only one is plotted; the others are ignored.

In addition, I'm getting at least a strong subjective impression that many operations are much slower, especially file imports (e.g. importing several GPX files taking hours — so far — rather than minutes, in 9). There also appears to be some pollution of the global namespace taking place: I can get errors and very long delays in execution depending on the order in which I run different notebooks. I've had no luck tracking down the source of this behavior; but it's quite consistent.


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